THE FAMILY - Catherine and Sam.
THE ANCESTORS - Stone, Smith, Limpens, Christen
THE WRITER - Books and Magazines.
THE PHOTOGRAPHER - Underwater and Terrestrial.
THE PUBLISHER - Oceans Enterprises
"It is said that we all seek immortality. We take photographs of ourselves and our family to gather dust in oft-forgotten albums and attic trunks, to encourage memories of our past, and in the hope that those in the future will remember us. Perhaps the next generation will, maybe the one after, but fifty years after our death, there will be few left to remember, and even less who care. Perhaps that is just as well. The current generation needs to experience life for themselves, and not to linger in the past. Yet it is important to know of our ancestors, our roots of life that nurtured our birth and our very existence. For interest, we may muse on the decisions of our ancestors that have resulted in the very fact that we exist; and indeed, that you are here right now reading this drivel. If I succumb to the weakness of seeking immortality, I do so for only one reason - I want to be remembered by my wonderful children Catherine and Sam. I would like to think that they and  their children will think of me with love." 

Created for Catherine, Sam, Sienna and Indigo  - I love you so very much.

Online via Netspace, Yarram, Victoria, Australia. Last update 15 September 2003.